DroidDB Tip of the Month

DroidDB® Tip for April 2020

Setting Up a 32-bit ODBC Data Source on a 64-bit Machine

In 64-bit Windows, there are two ODBC Data Source Administrators: a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version. DroidDB is a 32-bit product. Consequently, ODBC Data Sources for use with DroidDB need to be created with the 32-bit ODBC Data Source Adminstrator.

To set up a 32-bit ODBC Data Source to access an MS Access database, do this:

  1. Run C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
  2. Click on the "System DSN" tab
  3. Click the ADD button
  4. Select the "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)" and click FINISH
  5. Set "Data Source Name" to "MS Access Database 32". Leave all the other settings alone
  6. Click OK

DroidDB on the desktop will now include "MS Access Database 32" as a possible "Desktop Data Source".


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Top rated! I needed a solid database application development tool for mobile devices. I chose DroidDB for Android OS because it provided a way to get a strong product to market quickly. DroidDB is relational, gives me control over form layout, handles macros, and supports events. It works on all Android versions I have tried and is a great companion product to SYWARE’s VisualCE.

Mark Read, President
SyntegraTech, Inc.

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